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Tree Diagrams
The tree diagram is a tool designed to systematize the causes of the problem at the expense of detailing them at various levels. Visually, the diagram looks like a “tree” - at the bottom of the diagram is the problem under investigation, from which two or more reasons “branch off”, each of which further “branches out” for two more reasons and so on.
A tree diagram is used when it is necessary to identify and organize all potential causes of the problem under consideration, systematize the brainstorming results in the form of a hierarchically built logical list, analyze the causes of the problem, evaluate the applicability of the results of various solutions to the problem, build a hierarchical relationship between affinity diagram elements, etc.
Classification and Regression Trees
Classification and Regression Trees (CART) overcome this problem by generating Decision Trees. These decision trees can then be traversed to come to a final decision, where the outcome can either be numerical (regression trees) or categorical (classification trees). A simple classification tree used by a mortgage lender is illustrated in the this sample diagram.
When traversing decision trees, start at the top. Thereafter, traverse left for yes, or positive responses, and traverse right for no, or negative responses. Once you reach the end of a branch, the leaf nodes describe the final outcome.
Hierarchical Organization Chart Template
A hierarchical organization chart template that shows the reporting structure of a company. Probably the most common structure used at the moment is hierarchical org charts. However, it is changing fast as organizations adapt to the changing times.
Use this company organizational chart template to help create a professional-looking org chart for your business. Add, delete or move cells to correspond to your organization. Then include employee photographs and link to staff biographies and more to make this organizational chart tell a story about your company.
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