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Network Diagrams
Network diagram (network graph) - a graphical representation of the work of a network project and their interconnections. The difference from the flowchart is that the network diagram only models the logical dependencies between the elementary operations. It does not display inputs, processes and outputs.
Quickly draw topological network diagrams, CISCO diagrams, data center diagrams, and many other network diagrams using a drag and drop interface in BD Diagrams.
Corporate Network
Corporate network is a set of systems that perform the function of automated enterprise management. In this sample shows the typical composition of a corporate network with a unit connected via remote access.
For a larger enterprise, the same requirements as for a small enterprise are typical; only their importance increases. A large number of network services requires a more thorough structuring of the network and the introduction of mechanisms to ensure quality of service.
Simple office LAN with Internet connection
This scheme is optimal for a home network of 2-4 computers or for small offices of companies that use only regular workstations.
The advantages of this scheme are the saving of “white” IP addresses, independence from the provider (neither the use of such a scheme, nor the number of workstations in it) need to be coordinated with it. The number of simultaneously working computers connected according to this scheme can be very large and it depends only on the performance of the router and the “width” (bandwidth) of the communication channel.
Recently, it has become popular to use in small local networks, and especially in home local networks, instead of a wired Ethernet network, a Wi-Fi radio access network, which, while maintaining a high transmission speed, allows you to get rid of wiring around the room.
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