Mind Maps Build Diagrams

The ways in which diagrams are used are endless. Create flowcharts, trees diagrams,
mind maps diagrams, network diagrams and much more.

Mind Maps

Mind maps is a powerful technique that helps you visualize your thoughts and transfer them to others. Moreover, mind mapping facilitates the free flow of ideas, which makes it an ideal format for brainstorming and creative problem solving.

How to use Mind Maps

Start from the center: To create an intelligence map, start by pointing the subject of your map in the center of a blank sheet of paper or digital canvas. The subject can be one keyword, image, question or problem you are trying to solve.

Add branches: Branches are lines that extend from the center and symbolize the main categories or key ideas relating to your subject. Most cards have four to six branches, but you can add as many as you need.

Write a keyword in each branch: Use keywords and short phrases, not long sentences. This will make your map compact and easy to review, and you will be able to see your most important ideas at a glance.

Add Ideas: Each map you create can create associations in your brain and generate new ideas that can then be added as child branches. There is no limit to the number of child branches or hierarchical levels that you can create.

Add visual elements: Enrich the map by adding colors, icons and images to individual themes. A mind mapping application like MindMeister takes this to a new level, allowing you to embed videos, add notes and comments, or attach entire files, such as PDF files or spreadsheets.

Project planning

Mind Maps BDDiagrams allows you to visually outline your project plans, share them with other interested parties and collaborate in real time. Planning projects has never been easier.

Mind Maps come into play at the very beginning of your project, when you need to determine where you are going and what you need to do.

Concept Map of Computer Science

A concept map shows how different ideas relate to each other. This option can be used for the task of negotiating values and standards, and is useful for framing the evaluation.

Concept Mapping can be used before, during or after implementation of a project/program/policy.

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Works with Google Drive

You can open files from your PC or Google Drive.

All in the cloud

Our servers in the cloud process your files and you don't need to install anything on your computer. Isn't that great?

Draw your Diagram now!